A DIFFERENT VIEW- Jennifer Williams


There is a creepy limo parked on our street across from our house. And by creepy, I mean it is rusty with a bungeed trunk and if you walk close enough, it smells. It is an eye sore. Something you might see at a haunted house on Halloween (although those places terrify me so I wouldn’t know for sure).

Every morning when I sit down for my quiet time in my favorite chair, I look out the window and there it is. Creepy limo. Immediately, I am irritated and frustrated that our neighbor has parked it on our street and find myself distracted and discouraged at my view.

One morning recently, I realized that if I shifted my view just a bit I could no longer see the creepy limo. Instead, I saw our crepe myrtle bursting into bloom right outside the window. A different view altogether that reminds me of God’s beauty reflected in creation instead of a horror movie in the making.

How many times do I let my view distract and discourage me? How many times do I let my view determine my outlook and attitude? When I begin to meditate on my current view, I fill my mind with negativity, worry, or complaint. All it takes is a shift in view to see beauty and goodness instead.

Honestly, that can apply to almost everything in life. Relationships. Jobs. Health. School. Finances. Really any myriad of circumstances, both big and small.

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” Philippians 4:8 MSG

The best. The beautiful. The blessings. That is certainly a better view.

What is one situation, big or small, in your life that needs a different view? Take a moment to journal the best things, the beautiful things, and the blessings in that circumstance. Then, spend some time meditating on those things and praising God for His goodness.